Our Schools…

The National Network of Marist Schools

The NNMS was set up to help each school in the Network to be as authentically Catholic and Marist as it could be. It was thought that a network, in which resources and ideas could be shared, in which personnel from students to staff to boards to parents might mix and interact, in which best practice could be shared and new ideas trialled, and in which the Marist charism might continue to be enhanced, and thus serve the Church, would take what was good from our past, and let it be a foundation for the future. The Network has just over 5000 students and nearly 500 staff. The member schools are:

  • Pompallier Catholic College, Whangarei

  • Marist College, Auckland

  • St Johns College, Hastings

  • Cullinane College, Whanganui

  • Hato Pāora College, Feilding

  • St Patricks College, Silverstream

  • St Patricks College, Wellington

  • St Bedes College, Christchurch

  • Roncalli College, Timaru

The Network acknowledges that given their history, Cullinane College and Roncalli College have two charisms on which to draw, and so are doubly blessed.

The Network accommodates the original intention of Marist Education in New Zealand, providing future leaders for the Catholic Church and for Aotearoa New Zealand society. 

In School Programmes

Outlined below are the main in-school programmes we offer to each of the Network Schools.

Year 12 - Living Social Justice

During this one-day seminar, Year 12 students are challenged to confront, learn about and discuss some of the harsh realities of the world beyond their school environment. This programme addresses some of the social justice issues present in Aotearoa and engages students in critical discussions about their role and responsibilities as New Zealand citizens. This programme has a strong social justice focus, informed by Catholic Social Teaching and aims to help students make sense of their responsibility to use their voice to fight injustice and give back to the communities that have shaped them.

Year 13 - Life beyond school

This programme consists of a series of one-hour long sessions for Year 13 students as they prepare to leave school and move on to tertiary study, work or apprenticeships. Informed by the experiences of former students, this series explores the challenges faced by students as they make the transition from school into the world beyond. There is a strong emphasis on mental health, preparing for the unknown, nurturing faith outside of the school environment, contributing to the community, and confronting some of the practical realities of life beyond school. 

Other ministry

On top of these programmes which are offered to all schools within the Network, we also work at the request of individual schools. These include year level retreats, orientations, or programmes addressing specific needs within school communities. Overall we serve the needs of the Network Schools and provide additional assistance when called upon.